Terms of Use

Welcome to searchmysite.net ("the Site"), the independent search engine ("public search") and search as a service. It has been brought to you by michael-lewis.com ("We"). These are the terms and conditions of use ("Terms of Use") for the Site. We reserve the right to change the Terms of Use. By using the Site you are agreeing to the Terms of Use.

Submission guidelines

You must only submit sites to the public search belonging to one of the site categories listed. These are currently "personal websites" and "independent websites".

"Personal websites" are defined as websites primarily for an individual's personal (rather than business) use, where the individual owns both the content and the domain (i.e. it isn't on or owned by a centralised platform).

"Independent websites" are defined as special interest websites, i.e. websites about a specific topic or a broad range of topics, which are operated by an individual or group on a largely non-commercial basis, and where the individual or group owns both the content and the domain (i.e. it isn't on or owned by a large commercial entity).

Other categories may be submitted as a Full listing to use the search as a service if the option to exclude from the public search is selected. We reserve the right to modify a Full listing to exclude from the public search if it is not a personal website or indepenedent website.

In all cases, all sites submitted must also be suitable for minors (given the Privacy Policy is such that there is no age verification to use the Site), and all sites submitted must comply with all laws in your jurisdiction.

Site removal

We reserve the right to reject or remove inappropriate or unsuitable sites, i.e. sites which break the submission guidelines and hence Terms of Use. If a Full listing is made which is found to have broken the Terms of Use, the site will be removed and an attempt made to notify the submitter (if they have paid a listing fee this will be refunded minus an admin fee).

If you find a site which you believe breaks the Terms of Use, please Contact Us to report this.

Full listing owners are free to remove their own sites whenever they wish, and there is a button on the Manage Site page which makes it easy to do so. If a site site has been added via a Basic listing and you would like to see it removed, please Contact Us to explain why you would like to see it removed. There will normally not be an issue doing so, but if we believe this is being abused we reserve the right to not action the request.

Search as a service

If you use the search as a service, you must not put unreasonable load on the Site, e.g. by excessive use of the reindex on demand functionality, or by making very high numbers of API calls. We reserve the right to introduce limits on use in future.

We take uptime very seriously, but cannot guarantee 100% availability.

Governing law/jurisdiction

The Site's servers are currently based in Germany, and governed by the laws of the European Union.

General conditions

Use of the Site is at your own risk. The Site is provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis. We cannot be held accountable for any form of loss to you through your use of the Site.

Hopefully all of this is fairly clear and reasonably fair, but if you have any questions about these Terms of Use please Contact Us.

Last updated: 10 September 2022.